todos juntos student mural
Todos Juntos ("All Together") along with H.I.N.T. were given a grant by United Way for an opportunity for the Hispanic/Latino students at Baker Prairie Middle School in Clackamas County to learn more about their culture in the United States.
One of the learning platforms of historic value is understanding the cultural struggles and contributions on many levels. Students at Baker Prairie Middle School in Canby, Oregon, have been studying the life and work of Cesar Chavez. The group’s bicultural background makes it a perfect environment to learn about a labor leader and civil right activist like César Chavez. The identification and similarities the group has with many of the struggles and life situations that César Chavez fought for, is similar to what their parents and they are facing today. This opportunity enables the group to discuss, learn and encourage them to value and enhance the significance of being a bicultural leader.
The Todos Juntos students are in charge of designing and painting a 4-paneled mobile wall mural on canvas depicting Cesar Chavez’ passion to bring equilibrium into the U.S. labor force as well as expressing the symbolism of both cultures. The only colors used will be the colors found in both the U.S. and Mexican Flag and yellow symbolizing the sun which shines on all people.
The completion of the 66' wide x 15' high cinder block exterior Glide Community Mural in October 2014 became the first of many community-enhancing projects in the area.
The design was a compilation of Glide's historic past and present (best known for the violent colliding waters of two separate rivers, the former winter home for the Native American Umpqua Tribe, nationally recognized fly fishing competitions, the Wild Flower Festival, steelhead/salmon runs, prune orchards, sheepherding and logging industries). Also interesting is Glide's link to the early settling by the Oregon pioneers.
It is located on Hwy-138 (on your way to Crater Lake), the south side of the Colliding River Drive-In, and next to Glide High School - you can't miss it!
Local artists Joann Craft, Joel Montgomery, Melinda Roos, Bailey Merman and ColorCraft/Benjamin Moore Paints of Roseburg all contributed greatly to the success of this mural - as well as a team of dedicated teen volunteers and specialists who left their mark and many, many hours of investment during the heat of the summer. It has been my absolute privilege to work with such a warm and welcoming community, which I continue to feel a part of.